
12 Monkeys buy at Amazon

13 Geister buy at Amazon

1984 (George Orwell) buy at Amazon

2001 - Odyssee im Weltraum buy at Amazon

23 - Nichts ist wie es scheint buy at Amazon

8mm - Acht Millimeter buy at Amazon

Abbuzze buy at Amazon

Anchorman buy at Amazon

Animatrix buy at Amazon

Armee der Finsternis buy at Amazon

Bill und Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit buy at Amazon

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Club der toten Dichter buy at Amazon

Cobra Verde buy at Amazon

Contact buy at Amazon

Cool Devices 1-9 buy at Amazon

DellaMorte DellAmore buy at Amazon

Der blutige Pfad Gottes buy at Amazon

Der Herr der Ringe buy at Amazon

Der Hexenclub buy at Amazon

Der Wixxer buy at Amazon

Die Fliege buy at Amazon

Die Fliege 1958 buy at Amazon

Die Monster AG buy at Amazon

Die Schrecken der Medusa buy at Amazon

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Fascination buy at Amazon

Frequency buy at Amazon

From Dusk Til Dawn buy at Amazon

Full Metal Jacket buy at Amazon

Funny Games buy at Amazon

Geisterjäger John Sinclair - 01 Die Dämonenhochzeit buy at Amazon

Geisterjäger John Sinclair - 02 Ich töte jeden Sinclair buy at Amazon

Geisterjäger John Sinclair - 03 Das Horrorkabinett buy at Amazon

Geisterjäger John Sinclair - 04 Der Hexenclub buy at Amazon

Geisterjäger John Sinclair - 05 Anruf aus dem Jenseits buy at Amazon

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Gesichter des Todes 2000 buy at Amazon

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